“ In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. — Robert Frost (via kari-shma) (via quote-book)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:36 AM
Actually i'm super lazy to blog now so it'll be a short entry.I do look back to my older post so i blog to jot down those memories.
Happy day spent with baby.I think somehow things have change since he went in to army.He became more tolerant and patient with me.Maybe it's true that people say' absence makes the heart founder'.
We went from far east to 313.I'm actually quite shock that he's ok with shopping with me from 1 point to another.He show no anoyance or frustration.It's been a long while since i enjoy shopping with baby.The only thing i forgot to end the day with is taking neo print );
Baby promise this sun that when he's back,we are going to take neo print of his botak head,haha.I actually keep neoprints (uncut size) of us during early days of our relationship.Whenever i look through those pictures it reminds me of us in different phase of our relationship(: it's been 2 years 9 months(: and going strong(:
and,and,and...i finally got myself a belated birthday present,haha.*happiness*
I dun know why my hand is in such an awkward position.
baby got me another pink hello kitty head.Now,i have 3 hello kitty head with me on the bed.Baby say they are to acc me during those days without him,haha(: I'm super tire now,feel like sleeping but gona keep myself awake to wait for baby's call. 4 more days before baby book out ): and also 4 more days to off day,sian max-
The Lady ♥
&she love him
ONG LeeHong
&i'm blissfully attached to JONATHAN NYX.
He's my sweetest addiction(: